Gorbatchov an elder who used to be kind to me, abandoned me to the judicial process and I was thrown out.
But for the many years I knew him as a friend, I can tell you, his best, best, best friend (non JW) was an extremely well known person who wrote much about both Jehovah and the White Goddess, aka Mother Nature.
The wife of this well known man committed suicide very famously and so did his mistress. He wrote about violence and from what I can tell, condoned heroic suicide. He was into celtic/sufi stuff.
So yes, Jim Jones cult via celtic sufis stuff may not be far off.
Someone just said to me 'this place is getting more and more dangerous.'
Note the Watchtower's false beliefs have their roots in Theo sufism. Theosophy. Mafia has the same roots via chap called Mazzini.